Sunday, 7 October 2012

M&S key principles

M&S has five major (core) principles that have driven both the direction taken and products that the company has produced for 125 years.

  • Quality - M&S strive to promote an image of quality service & products.
  • Value - having started out as a penny store, value is a key pillar of the company, while prices have changed, keeping value of service has remained through out the years.
  • Innovation - M&S have aimed to keep ahead of the crowd with new products and ideas, helping customers by bringing them useful items (such as the machine washable suit)
  • Trust - a theme through out the years has been trust, working both ways between the company and its customers. Running a bazar that opened straight onto the street showed the company as trusting, and the returns policy introduced gives reassurance to the customers.
  • Service - M&S are constantly looking at ways to improve the service provided, for example Rayner's reports across the company looking for any flaws to be worked on.

1 comment:

  1. Good, now look into the core principles of your chosen brand. Think about the different contexts in which the ads you create are going to sit.
    best wishes,
