This ad was filmed on the orient express.
It portrays an image of class within the company. As this ad is geared towards women's clothing it gives a good idea, in part, of the target audience for their Autumn clothing products.
The orient express is an expensive mode of transport that holds a lot of heritage and in doing so has direct links with the idea of high class.
However if taken on the setting alone this ad would possibly portray the negative idea that M&S is an elitist brand. Despite that, through the use of visual language, the ad shows the fun, and good natured attitude of the business and embeds it within the classy setting of the Orient express train.
Defining M&S as an exciting and open company with notes of Class and sophistication.
The Audience.
This ad has given me a good insight (along side other research) into the kind of market M&S are putting themselves, and there for the bracket of customer they hope to attract.
Over the years M&S have chosen to play on various combinations of their 5 key principles (as mentioned previously)
My opinion is that Your M&S is currently aiming to strike a target audience of over 25's (due to the "Class" and there for slightly higher price attached) Narrowing down further to a subdivision of professionals and/or families.
My suggestion comes from a culmination of information gathered from watching different ads, along with visiting the marks in time exhibition. It is the Sophisticated portrayal of the company in its various campaign concepts along with the product range available that I propose the target market I have stated.
You present a good analysis of the meanings of the setting. Particularly on how aspirational the imagery is for the audience - of connoting ideas of taste and class.